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Marinella Benelli

Keeper of Women's Healing Arts & Natural Cycles

My name is Marinella.

I am a lover of the moon, the sea, the trees, the cycles and all that is sacred. I seek sacredness in mundane things and in the work I offer to women. I am in service of the Feminine and the Great Mother.

In my work I combine Ayurveda, therapeutic women's yoga, healing touch, and guidance in becoming acquainted with your inner cycles and the outer ones. I offer you a safe and nourishing space to (re)connect to your essence, to 'come home to yourself', and to feel empowered by this inner work of transformation. And all these elements are the foundations of my personal life as well.

Since the beginning of my holistic journey I have been especially drawn to support mothers. 'Mother the mothers' my heart told me during a powerful meditation, years before I became a mother myself. And this work with mothers has brought so much healing to my own mothering journey and to all my foremothers, as every time we honour and heal our own womb, we create ripples of healing through time and space.

When I'm not in service of women, you can find me somewhere in nature or in my home in Bristol UK, that I share with my husband, our son and our black and white cat.

Marinella is a yoga teacher, massage therapist, postpartum doula and menstrual cycle mentor supporting women at any stage of their lives. Her work is rooted in the ancient wisdoms of Ayurveda, the five elements system and a deep understanding of the cycles of life.  She guides women in how to honour the earth and moon, the menstrual cycle, and how to honour the many wonders of the female body. 

She weaves this cyclical wisdom with feminine & intuitive movement and breath practices  simple rituals, and an invitation to rest as the ultimate act of self-care.

Whether in a circle or in a 1:1 session, she holds space for healing and transformation in a humble and grounded way, always leading from her deep heart.

A trip throughout Norther India in her late 20s was a real awakener and planted the seeds for her own healing journey, as well as for her holistic career, that is always flowing and unfolding.

She has trained and worked with some truly amazing women, change-makers and activists for the earth and women's rights, to whom she's eternally grateful.

My Heart's Callings


I invite you to pause for a moment now, with one hand on your heart and the other on your womb or womb space and take a few conscious breaths. Can you feel a sense of connection and intimacy emerging from within? Can you hear your heart and womb whispering to you? Welcome into the circle, sister.

Cyclical Living

When you begin to understand that you are a mirror of nature and that you constantly live within several different cycles, you become whole: you are able to embrace all faces of yourself and all phases of your inner cycles with acceptance and curiosity, with presence and courage. You finally remember who you truly are.


Sacred Space

Holding sacred space requires presence and stillness. I offer you my full presence as I listen to the stories held within your body, your heart and womb space, and I offer you the stillness needed for what is stirring inside you to emerge.

I invite you to pause and to rest in your sacred space, so that you can fully return home to yourself and find your way forward on your life journey.

Healing & Transformation

Through (re)connecting to the heart and womb space and to all cycles, we embark on our personal journey of healing & transformation. We awaken into the mysteries of the Feminine that lives within us. The Feminine is wild, flowing, expansive, soft, nourishing, creative, inspiring, uncontainable...always unfolding. The Feminine holds the medicine we all need now more than ever.

'It's hard to put into words how much I respect and value Marinella, her service to women and mothers is enormous and precious.' - Jessica van Delft

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